
PASS Summit v20 - A look back at my first Summit

I returned from PASS Summit v20 in Seattle, WA early Saturday morning after taking the Friday night red eye home.  After a few days of settling back in to home life with my wife and 2 daughters (as well as coming back to work this morning -- more on that later), I wanted to blog about my experience, tips/tricks and some of the things that I learned in hope that someone else who is attending their first PASS Summit will have some insight into the ins and outs of this incredible conference.    Day 1 (Monday) - Travel Day I left Syracuse at about 3pm after a one hour delay, arrived in Newark with what I thought was plenty of time to spare.  By the time we got taxied to the gate (since we were late, it seems they weren't ready to pull us up to the gate), my remaining 2 hour layover was shrinking rapidly.  After getting off the plane, I had to haul across EWR from Terminal A to Terminal C.  Not an easy feat with their bus system, which took about 40 minute...